이공계 외국인 대학원생들을 위한 경력개발세미나 개최 안내
본교 이공계 외국인 대학원생들 중 졸업 후 한국에 취업을 희망하는 학생들을 대상으로 KIRD에서 진행하는 글로벌 S&T HRD 포럼 참석을 통해 진로 계획의 기반을 마련할 수 있도록 지원하고자 합니다. (글로벌 S&T HRD 포럼 참석을 희망하는 학생들에게 교통편과 식사를 제공할 예정입니다.)
- 아 래 - 1. Forum name Career Development of Young International S&T Researchers in South Korea (Science & Tech) 글로벌 S&T HRD 포럼 (주제: 국내 청년 외국인 연구인력의 경력개발)
2. Date and Veune October 27th, 2023 (Friday) from 13:00-17:00 Hotel Onoma, Daejeon (호텔 오노마 대전) *OIH will provide a round-trip bus from Korea University to Daejeon
3. Time Table 8:30 Gather in front of The main gate of Korea university 8:30 – 11:30 Arrival in Daejeon *Approximately 3 hours 11:30 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 17:00 Attend the forum 17:00 - Return to Koreay university (Anam)
4. Application Period: ~until midnight on October 15th, 2023 (Sunday)
5. How to apply 1) you MUST apply individually through the official website. *** https://answer.moaform.com/answers/Wl6Glo ***
2) you MUST Include a screenshot that shows you completed the application.
3) you MUST transfer a reservation deposit of 10,000won. Bank Account: 3333-24-2045591 (Account Holder: 배민화(Bae Min-hwa), 카카오뱅크) ※ To prevent no-shows, we will collect a reservation deposit which will be refunded upon participation.
6. Support Details - Round-trip Bus from Korea University to Daejeon - Free Lunch
7. Forum Details This forum is co-hosted by KIRD(https://www.kird.re.kr/en) and UST(https://www.ust.ac.kr/eng/) for young international researchers in Science and Technology field in South Korea.
You will attend the session as follows, Career Development and Success Stories: Meet seniors at work and share with their job-searching experience and career-formation process in Korea. Career Information Sharing: UST U-link Platform, NST post-doc Researchers support center, Korea Immigration Service * All participants will receive a gift(worth 25,000 won, and a giftcon(5,000 won) will be given as a prize draw from the forum.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any inquires!
Email: GraduateOIH@korea.ac.kr Kakaotalk Channel: KUGSOIH
Application Link: https://forms.office.com/r/Rn5wRGz5SE
* ONLY FOR INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE STUDENTS (in the field of Science & Tech) *
