
Dong June Ahn (안동준)
Ph.D., Purdue University
Research Areas : Interfacial Engineering/Nanobiomedicine Technology
Tel. +82-2-3290-3301

Se-Woong Baek (백세웅)
Ph.D., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Research Areas : Colloidal quantum dots / Optoelectronics / Energy conversion
Tel. +82-2-3290-3302 / sewoongbaek@korea.ac.kr

Joona Bang (방준하)
Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Research Areas : Polymer Engineering
Tel. +82-2-3290-3309

Ki Wan Bong (봉기완)
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research Areas : Microfluidics / Biopolymers
Tel. +82-2-3290-3294

Jinhan Cho (조진한)
Ph.D., Seoul National University
Research Areas : Nano Materials and Ultrathin Functional FIlms
Tel. +82-2-3290-4852

Jungkyu Choi (최정규)
Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Research Areas : Separation/Transfer and Reaction Engineering
Tel. +82-2-3290-4854

Yoon Jang Chung (정윤장)
Ph.D., Princeton University
Research Areas : Quantum material/Semiconductor thin films and devices
Tel. +82-2-3290-4856/ yoonjang@korea.ac.kr

Jeong Sook Ha (하정숙)
Ph.D., Brown University
Research Areas : Fabrication of Flexible/Stretchable Devices
Tel. +82-2-3290-3303

June Huh (허준)
Ph.D., University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Research Areas : Soft Matter / Molecular Simulation and Theory
Tel. +82-2-3290-4857

Sang Hyuk Im (임상혁)
Ph.D., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)
Research Areas : Next-generation solar cells/Nano energy convergence system
Tel. +82-2-3290-3295

Hyun Wook Jung (정현욱)
Ph.D., Korea University
Research Areas : Rheology/Rheological Processes/Dynamics of Complex Fluids
Tel. +82-2-3290-3306

Jeong Won Kang (강정원)
Ph.D., Korea University
Research Areas : Thermodynamics/Molecular Modeling
Tel. +82-2-3290-3305

Sang Kyu Kwak (곽상규)
Ph.D., University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Research Areas : Multiscale Molecular Modeling and Simulation/Thermodynamics
Tel. +82-2-3290-3292 / skkwak@korea.ac.kr
*Eminent Professor(특훈교수)

Jungbae Kim (김중배)
Ph.D., University of Iowa
Research Areas : Nanobiocatalysis
Tel. +82-2-3290-4850

Jeewon Lee (이지원)
Ph.D., Illinois Institue of Technology
Research Areas : Biotechnology / Bioengineering
Tel. +82-2-3290-3304

Jung-Hyun Lee (이정현)
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Research Areas : Thin Films, Membranes and Composites
Tel. +82-2-3290-3293

Ki Bong Lee (이기봉)
Ph.D., Purdue University
Research Areas : Separation Process for Energy and Environment
Tel. +82-2-3290-4851

Jun Hyuk Moon (문준혁)
Ph.D., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)
Research Areas : Advanced Lithium-Ion Battery Technologies, Electrocatalysis for Energy Conversion, and 3D Photolithographic Processes
Tel. +82-2-3290-4859 / junhyukmoon@korea.ac.kr

Min-Kyu Oh (오민규)
Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles
Research Areas : Metabolic Engineering / Bio-based Chemical Technology
Tel. +82-2-3290-3308

Kwang Ho Song (송광호)
Ph.D., The University of Texax, Austin
Research Areas : Reaction Engineering
Tel. +82-2-3290-3307

Sang Jun Sim (심상준)
Ph.D., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)
Research Areas : Bioenergy, Biosensor
Tel. +82-2-3290-4853

Wangyun Won (원왕연)
Ph.D., Sogang University
Research Areas : Process Systems Engineering for Sustainable Energy and Environment
Tel. +82-2-3290-4858 / wwon@korea.ac.kr

Dongsoo Yang(양동수)
Ph.D., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Research Areas : Synthetic Biology / Enzyme Engineering
Tel. +82-2-3290-4855 / dosoyang@korea.ac.kr

Seung-Ho Yu(유승호)
Ph.D., Seoul National University
Research Areas : Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion
Tel. +82-2-3290-3297 / seunghoyu@korea.ac.kr

Byung Gwon Lee (이병권)
Ph.D., University of Akron
Research Area : Energy & Environmental Engineering
* Specially Appointed Professor(특임교수)
Jinsuk Lee (이진석)
Ph.D., Seoul National University
Research Area : Reaction Engineering, Adsorptive Separation Process
* Adjunct Professor(겸임교수)
![[크기변환]Photo (Wee Jun ONG)](https://cbe.korea.ac.kr/wp/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/크기변환Photo-Wee-Jun-ONG.jpg)
Wee-Jun ONG
Ph.D., Monash University
Research Area : Electrocatalysis, Photocatalysis, Nanomaterials, CO2 Conversion, Hydrogen Production
* Adjunct Professor(K-CLUB 객원교수)