Dear all, Lam Research is looking for qualified candidates for positions below. If you have anyone who meets requirements, please make a referral and suggest good candidates to us!
I. Open Positions
II. Time Line - Period of Referral: ~ Oct 25 (Sun) but applicants are always acceptable - Plan to Hire: Q4 2020 III. Employee Referral Guidance & Policy n Referral Process (how to) - Click Req ID above > Refer friend to job > Enter candidate’s information and add resume > Send n Award Guideline - Award will be paid for successful referral after probation period (3 months).
n Others - All regular employees and contractors of Lam Korea are eligible to participate in the Referral Award Program except for the following: l Directors. VP. and President l Staff of Human Resources l The hiring authority to which the individual would indirectly or directly report. - Your recommendation does not necessarily guarantee the candidates’ interview or selection and they will go through the official resume screening and interview process. - This announcement is for employee referral(외부 인재 추천), not job bidding. - Please let Mike Jang know if you have any inquiry (#6622)
* 제출 서류 : 이력서(자유양식), Job Description(붙임 파일 참조) * 관심 있는 석사 졸업 예정자는 상기 공고문을 참조하여 지원하시면 됩니다. * 금번 박사 졸업 예정자 중 상기 공고에 관심 있는 분은 학과 행정실로 연락 바랍니다. (02-3290-4593)